Dr. Zuraimy bin Adzis
LI FKE Coordinator


On behalf of the Dean I welcome all students to this website. Since we seek knowledge and experience in this degree programme, internship is embedded as 6 credits and as a 12 week attachment to the industry in a technical role. Exposure to the working environment will give you first hand experience on how to interact with other people, machines, working environment, and utmost importance of keeping time at the workplace. The faculty also hopes that interns can appreciate the fact on how the industry be sustainable while at the same time cater the needs of its employees which is the most valuable asset of any organisation.
To make this welcoming speech be short and simple, the respective departments in this Faculty would like all interns to pick up the necessary technical knowledge that would be able to help in finding an industrial issue or problem to be converted to your FYP. Hence the need to do your internship before your final year is clearly for your own benefit, rather than the Faculty.
In the interest of the programme, let us make this internship a success for every student. The Faculty, through the committee will do our best to facilitate.

Best regards.

Faculty Vision

A Globally Renowned Faculty Providing World-Class Education and Research in Electrical Engineering.

    Faculty Mission

    To Develop Holistic Talents in Electrical Engineering and Prosper Lives Through Knowledge and Innovative Technologies.

    Client Charter

    Committed and always striving to serve each customer by:

    • Offering quality academic programs and efficient academic management in a conducive environment.
    • Strengthening the services for the development and well-being of students holistically.
    • Empower high-impact research and development with efficient management practices.
    • Improve cooperation and involvement with stakeholders.


    What is an internship?

    This is an important question to ask yourself, because this is the stage in your life when the reality of the real working world is right around the corner. Therefore, what steps you take now, with regards to work experience, will have a direct bearing on the career path you choose later on. It is much easier to land that dream job when you already have some experience behind you. That is why doing an internship is truly an advantage for you.

    An Internship is a cooperative learning activity which provides a student with non-classroom professional experience related to the student’s career goals. An Internship is not the same as a part time job. It is a course of study.

    What are the advantages of internships?

    • Learn new skills through practical work experience.
    • Combine academic knowledge with hands-on work experience.
    • Gain insights and networking for better job marketability after graduation.

    Doing an internship will help you to avoid that common dilemma that many students face after graduation. When companies are looking to hire, you will not be turned away because you do not have the practical work experience that many employers are looking for. In other words, you will have a little more ammunition to run on. In such a competitive market, making sure you are on the top is a priority. (Source: Career and Placement Service, Concordia University)



    Jobs and Careers

    Form LP3

    ***Form LP3 –  This form is LI training plan or program for 12 weeks.  It is to show major activities or tasks you will undertake at the company during the training.  Please spent time to fill up this form properly.  You should discuss the plan with your Industrial Supervisor before filling up the form.  This from should be fill up, and endorsed by your Industrial Supervisor, the latest at end of Week 2 of your training.  Else, your training will not be so coordinated that you are unlikely to benefit the most from the training . The form is to be submitted to the FKE Supervisor who comes visiting you at the company. 

    Form LP3 must be filled up by all LI trainees, both local and international placements

    Note:  For international LI placements except Singapore, LP3 must be STAMPED by the company

    CH3 (Main Project) in Industrial Training Report

    CH3 (Main Project) in Industrial Training Report – It is an exercise to prepare you to undertake Final Year Project (FYP).  You will apply the same exact procedure in this project as it is in FYP.  The difference is LI project is very short and much simpler.  Your CH3 (Main Project) is to be evaluated on your ability to

    1. Define the problem – why you want to do the project.  There must be a background issue you want to solve.  Once you know the problem, you can write title for CH3 (Main Project)
    2. Set the purpose – what you want to solve
    3. Identify method you want to employ in order to solve the problem
    4. Result – what do you get from your experiment or investigation or further reading, and comparison of data.  The result must be presented in figure and table or flowchart or improved drawing.  Without these, it is hardly that your project bears meaningful result
    5. Conclude the finding – conclusions are derived from your result. Some may ask what are hints in order to come up with title of CH3. 

    I hope the followings will help you to identify the title for CH3

    • Compiling short tasks of the same nature you have undertaken at the company, and check if there is anything you can work further
    • Look at certain technical problem at the company through, and conduct experiments (if it is possible) to solve it
    • Look at certain technical problem at the company, and find ways to solve it through further
      reading on the matter from books, conferences, journals and internet.  Compile the data and
      do the comparison, for example.
    Log Book

    ***Please record LI activities in English in your ITS log book.  For someone, it may be quite tough for the beginning, and I am confident you will master it well as you go along the training.  Learn to write in English also helps you prepare your Industrial Training Report for it must be in English

    Your ITS log book is your notebook – it should contain sketches of system, circuit and flow of process, points jotted down during discussions, important points you notice in your daily training, and problem or issue you notice that you need to discuss with your supervisor or someone who knows better at at your place of training

    Since it is your notebook, your ITS log book need to be filled up at all times during your training.

    Please have your training supervisor to endorse your ITS log book.  Some supervisor prefers to endorse it weekly, and some prefers it once in a while. Your supervisor will have access to check your ITS log book online.



    Johor Port is looking for intern students at their facilities in Pasir Gudang Port.

    Please find the following criteria for further actions:-
    Background: Final year students with a Civil or Electrical Engineering bachelor’s degree
    Duration: 23 July 2023 to 13 October 2023
    Location: Johor Port, Pasir Gudang, JDT.

    Interested? Placements are limited, so do not wait until the last minute.

    How to apply?
    Send you resume to noornabilah@utm.my before 23rd June 2023, 12.00 PM


    Download [here]


    PK-UTM-FKE-(O)-11 : Prosedur Pengurusan Latihan Industri
    PK-UTM-FKE-(O)-12 : Prosedur Pengendalian Latihan Industri


    Before Training

    • Do Pregistration in ITS.
    • Choose company from the list in ITS.
    • Contact the company for availability.
    • Get signed Application Letter from Program Coordinator.
    • Send Application Letter with Company Reply Form.
    • If the application is accepted, prepare any materials, if asked by the
    • Register in AIMS
    • Prepare LP2, LP3 & LP4 and Indemnity Letter.

    During Training

    • Wear proper attire, self-discipline, and follow all rules and
      regulations of the company.
    • You are now a representative of UTM, behave well.
    • Fill the LP2 form, keep a copy for your own reference, send by mail
      to FKE, and email a pdf copy to latihanindustri@fke.utm.my. Name
      your file LP2 <Your name> <Company name in italics> <State> for
      example: LP2 Muhammad Hamdan bin Yusof Syarikat Elektrik
      Bersatu Sabah.pdf. Do this in week 1.
    • Discuss with the industrial supervisor to fill in the LP3 form.
    • Record your daily technical activities in the eLog Book in ITS. If you
      keep a notebook, you can upload the daily activities or any
      documentation onto the eLog Book. The industrial supervisor need
      to endorse your eLog Book online.
    • The faculty supervisor will visit after week 7. Arrange for
      appointment and necessary documentation. Prepare LP3, LP4, LP5,
      LP6 and LP7 forms. However, the faculty supervisor need only to
      collect LP3 form. The rest can be completed and handed to the
      faculty supervisor after you finished your training.

    After Training

    • Complete the Industrial Training Report.
    • You are advised to prepare 3 copies of the report. One for FKE, one
      for the industry, and one for you. This document is valuable for job
    • Submit the completed LP4, LP5, LP6, and LP7 forms together with
      the report to the faculty supervisor who visited you at the end of
      week 13.


    • Pastikan anda telah mendaftar subjek Latihan Industri SE*4925 di AIMS atau melalui Pejabat Fakulti.
    • Hubungi syarikat untuk pengesahan penerimaan tempat LI.
    • Dapatkan maklumat “Contact Person” syarikat (Nama dan no. talipon).
    • Pastikan anda tahu lokasi tempat LI.
    • Sediakan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan oleh syarikat jika diminta.
    • Beli Buku Log LI (bersama poskad jawapan) di Pejabat Fakulti.
    • Sediakan Borang FKE-LP2, LP3 & LP4 serta surat “Indemnity” dan surat tawaran LI.


    • Berpakaian kemas, berdisiplin dan mematuhi segala peraturan syarikat serta menjaga nama baik UTM.
    • Isi borang FKE-LP2 dengan lengkap dan pos ke FKE bersama poskad jawapan (paling lewat – minggu ke 2). Bincang dengan Penyelia Industri untuk mengisi borang FKE-LP3.
    • Penyelia FKE datang melawat. Atur tarikh temujanji.
    • Serah borang FKE-LP4 kepada Penyelia Industri untuk diisi (paling lewat – minggu ke 8). Ambil kembali borang FKE-LP4 (yang sudah diisi) daripada Penyelia Industri pada minggu ke 10.


    • Siapkan Laporan Akhir Latihan Industri mengikut format yang ditetapkan sepertimana yang tercatat pada maklumat dalam Log Book.
    • Serahkan borang FKE-LP3, FKE-LP4 (yang telah diisi) dan Laporan Industri kepada Penyelia FKE (yang melawat anda) selewat-lewatnya pada minggu ke 13.
    • Anda dinasihati menyediakan 3 salinan Laporan LI. Satu salinan untuk FKE, satu salinan kepada pihak industri dan satu salinan lagi adalah untuk simpanan anda. Laporan Industri merupakan komponen penting dalam permohonan kerja nanti.



    LTR01 Application Letter (English)
    FKE-LP1A Reply Form from the company*
    LTR03 Sample CV (Resume)
    Attention * LTR02 and LTR03 (Resume) must be submitted to the company together with the application letter (LTR01)
    Template Thesis  Template Thesis UTM for LI Report Writing
    FKE-LP1 (2009) Maklumat Peribadi
    (Equivalent to registration in ITS)
    FKE-LP2 (2022) Maklumat Penempatan Latihan Industri
    (Industrial Training Placement Information)
    FKE-LP2A (2022) Maklumat Penempatan Latihan Industri
    (Industrial Training Placement Information)
    FKE-LP3 (2022) Jadual Kerja Latihan Industri
    (Industrial Training Schedule)
    FKE-LP4 (2022) Laporan Kemajuan Latihan Industri
    (Progress Report – Evaluated by Industrial Supervisor)
    FKE-LP4A (2022) Pengesahan Buku Log
    (Logbook Endorsement – Endorsed by Industrial Supervisor)
    FKE-LP5 (2022) Penilaian Latihan Industri
    (Industrial Training Visit Evaluation)
    FKE-LP6 (2022) Penilaian Laporan Latihan Industri
    (Industrial Training Report Evaluation)
    FKE-LP7 (2022) Maklumbalas Pelajar Selepas Latihan
    (Trainees Feedback Form)
    GARIS PANDUAN Garis Panduan Latihan Industri UTM
    (UTM Industrial Training Guidelines)
    MS01 Prosidur Perancangan LI
    (Industrial Training Planning Procedures)
    MS02 Taklimat Awal
    (First LI Briefing : 05 December 2017)
    MS03 Taklimat Akhir
    (Final Briefing : 22 May 2018)
    SKE LP2 2017 Status Penerimaan Salinan Asal Borang LP2 sehingga 18 June 2017
    (Status Receipt of Original LP2 Form as of 18 June 2017)
    MS05 Prosidur Lawatan Penyelia FKE
    (Visiting Procedures for FKE Faculty Supervisor)
    MS06 Format Penulisan Laporan Industri – Manual Thesis UTM 2015
    (Industrial Training Report – Format for Paging, Paragraph, Structure etc.)
    Declaration Form Declaration Form
    (Declaration Of Undergraduate Industrial Training Report And Copyright)

    Industrial Training Systems (ITS-UTM)

    Welcome to ITS-UTM
    Industrial Training Systems (ITS-UTM) is a web based application system which is developed to manage the industrial training process in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Industrial training refers to placement of students for at least ten weeks in the industry or organisation in order for them to apply their theoretical knowledge in the actual career world. Industrial training is one of the main components in the curriculum. Students must pass the industrial training in order to be awarded the certificate. During industrial training, students will be placed at selected organisations for a predetermined duration of time in order for them to obtain exposure to the career world and also for them to be able to relate what has been learned theoretically with the real application. At the same time, students will be equipped with the necessary preparation for working life such as the exposure to numerous aspects of social, interaction, cultural and work processes in career world.

    Contact Us

    General Line
    Tel: +6 07-553 3333
    Email: latihanindustri@fke.utm.my

    Mailing Address
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, P19a,
    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
    81310 Johor Bahru,
    Johor, Malaysia.

    Office Hours
    Sun – Wed (8:00 am – 5:00 pm)
    Thursday (8:00 am – 3:30 pm)

    Website : fke.utm.my/li

    Campus Map

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