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Application to Resume laboratory Works during MCO 3.0 period for PG Full Research Students
1. The application is opened only to PG full research students who are currently residing in UTM Campus (Residential college)
2. Effective period of application: 15 June – 28 June 2021
3. The experiment/laboratory does not involve group works
4. Application will take approximately 5 working days to be processed.
5. Successful application will be informed via email stated in the form.
6. Maximum access to laboratory is given 4 hours a day from 9.00am-1.00pm
7. Students need to inform the technical staff on duty once he/she arrived at V01 building

Application flow:
1. Fill up the SPS form – Application to resume lab works
2. Get supervisor recommendation.
3. Email to for
endorsement from Associate Chair Facility
4. Email to for HEP approval

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