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To all DBEHS Lecturers and Students.
As all of you are aware, the first week of 2022/2023 semester 1 will start on 16th October 2022, which is coincidentally the last week for some of the upcoming fourth (4th) year students undergoing their official industrial training.
There are some concerns as brought out by the MPP representatives and a few other queries from the students, that there will be instances students could not attend the physical class session in the first week. We have brought this issue to the new FKE Academic Committee and following the internal discussion, it has been decided that all classes will resume face-to-face including service subjects from other FKE departments.
However, for the affected 4th-year students, kindly inform your respective lecturer regarding your situation and depending on the lecturers’ plan for their T&L activities, they may be able to conduct the class online to accommodate you.
See you all soon!