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Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera,

There was an Industrial & Innovation forum related to Biotechnology Industry organized by Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN), Johor Biotechnology & Biodiversity Corporation (J-Biotech), BioTechCorp and Industry Centre of Excellence (ICoE) held at Pulai Spring Resort on 27th April 2015. The 1st keynote speech was given by YAB Dato’ Mohamed Khaled Nordin (Menteri Besar Johor). The content of his speech is given here :


Information about the forum is given below:

1)      1st Forum

  1. Moderator: Prof Dr Mohamad Kamal Harun (DVCRI, UMK)
  2. Speaker:
  3.          Prof Dr Shasuddin Baharin (UMP and Advisor for J-Biotech)
  4.       Mr Samuel Lee (Senior Group HR Manager, Syarikat Wen Ken Drug)

iii.      Mr Srinivasan Raman (Head of Biocon Malaysia Operations)

  1. Title: Human Capital Development for Biotechnology Industry

2)      2nd Forum

  1. Moderator: Prof Dr Zainul Fadziruddin Zainuddin (Director, Bussiness advisory division MTDC)
  2. Speaker:
  3.          Dato’ Dr Mohd Nazlee Kamal (CEO BiotechCorp)
  4.       Prof Dr Ramlan Aziz (Director, IBD UTM)

iii.      Mr Romli Ishak (CEO, LaDIY healthcare)

  1. Title: Biotechnology-Technology Development.


The content of the forum is very useful for our students (especially in biology area) because they discussed about the current and future scenario in biotechnology-related industry. Attached together with this email are the slides from the speaker. You are encouraged to share the useful points from the slides to our students. But “Do kindly take note that participants are required to obtain permission to reproduce materials / photographs and other copyright requirement by the speakers” (reminder from the organizer).

The main objective of this forum is actually to introduce JOHOR BIO TALENT DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (JBDTC). The objective of JBDTC are:

1)      To sustain human capital demand for the industry through strengthening the cooperation between the training institutes and biotechnology industry

2)      A mechanism which aims to produce human capital that meets the requirements of specific industries.

3)      To promote knowledge and technology sharing and research and development amongst the participating organizations.

After this, we are going to have close collaboration with JBTDC. There will be a lot of joining programs with JBDTC especially in terms of industrial linkages, students training, industrial attachment, human capital developments etc.

Thanks to Prof Dr Fahrul, PM Dr Madihah, Dr Wan Rosmiza, Dr Siti Pauliena, Dr Norahim, Dr Zaidah, PM Dr Shafinaz, PM Dr Zaharah for joining this MPN program



Dr Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek, PhD, MRSC, AMIC
BSc (Ind. Chem), MSc (Chem), PhD (Chem)(UTM), MRSC, AMIC
Senior Lecturer,

Head of Department,

Department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering,
Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering (FBME),
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),
81310 UTM Johor, Malaysia

Research Group Leader,
Novel Materials Research Group (NMRG)
Frontier Materials Research Alliance (NRA),
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Johor, Malaysia.
Tel (o): +607-5558400, Tel (hp): +6013-7805466