Tel: +6 07-553 3333

Dearest colleagues,

Further to the previous HIRARC workshop, Facility Management (FM) is organizing another seminar on Safety and Health at Workplace next week. You are all invited and please help us disseminate this information to all your students.If you have ordered PPE through FM during our PPE campaign, you may collect your PPE right after the talk. Should you or your students need respiratory fit testing, please register here to book a slot for fit testing:

Attendance and CPD will be recorded and Certificate will be issued for fit testing. We will distribute a copy of the attendance sheet to all of you to be kept at your workplace/lab for the next DOSH Visit in August.

Date : 22 July 2019
Place : Seminar Room Omega (4)
Time : 9.00 am – 4.00 pm