This research group (RG) focuses on the design and development of electronic sensors, with special interest in process tomography. Various methods of process tomography are being used such as Optical Tomography, Ultrasonic Tomography, Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT), Gamma Ray Tomography and magnetic induction tomography (MIT). The group is also focusing on challenging research area such as data processing an image reconstruction, and application of imaging modalities in a real application.
There are 16 research members in the Protom-i RG led by Prof. Dr. Mohd. Fua’ad Rahmat. The RG members current research interest are process tomography, process control, sensors, actuators, Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS), energy harvesting, instrumentation and applications related to biotechnology, environmental, agricultural and industrial process.
More information about PROTOM-i research group can be accessed at: http://protom.fke.utm.my