17th April 2017 – Two technical talks with distinguished professors, namely Professor Dr. Zhiguo Ding and Professor Dr. Abbas Jamalipour was co-organised by Wireless Communication Centre (WCC) in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM last week. The first talk was a 5G tutorial session by Professor Zhiguo Ding from University of Lancaster on the 10th of April with the topic Recent Progress in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA). NOMA is a promising candidate for 5G multiple access that has also been included in next-generation digital TV-standard. The presented talk had covered topics including fundamentals, recent progress as well as performance assessment with practical constrain with respect to NOMA. The tutorial was sponsored under the EU-Horizon 2020’s ATOM project.
The second talk was given by Professor Abbas Jamalipour from University of Sidney on the 13th of April. The talk entitled Current and Future Research Challenges in Smart Grid Networks and the Internet of Things had touched important issues concerning security and privacy of electrical power grid network and the use of internet-of-things (IoT) for smart grid network. Both talks by the distinguished professors was co-organized with Malaysia Chapters of IEEE Communication Society as well as IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.