- HI Jaafar, Z Mohamed, MA Ahmad, NA Wahab, L Ramli, MH Shaheed. Control of an underactuated double-pendulum overhead crane using improved model reference command shaping: Design, simulation and experiment. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 151. 107358. (IF: 6.471, Q1)
- Zangina, S. Buyamin, M.S. Zainal Abidin, M.S.A. Mahmud. Autonomous Mobility of a Fleet of Vehicles for Precision Pesticide Application. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (IF: 3.858, Q1)
- A. Emmanuel, M.S. Zainal Abidin, M.S.A. Mahmud, S. Buyamin, M.N. Aman. Light-Weight Precision Irrigation MPC using Discrete Laguerre Networks: Towards Water Saving Agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 181: 105953. (IF: 3.858, Q1)
- Zangina, S. Buyamin, M.N. Aman, M.S. Zainal Abidin, M.S.A. Mahmud. A Greedy Approach to Improve Pesticide Application for Precision Agriculture using Model Predictive Control. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 182: 105984. (IF: 3.858, Q1)
- Muhammad Abbas Abbasi, Abdul Rashid Husain, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris, Syed Muhammad Fasih ur Rehman. Computationally efficient predictive torque control for induction motor drives based on flux positional errors and extended Kalman filter. IET Electric Power Applications. 15(6): 653-667. (IF: 2.834, Q2)
- Mu Wen Chuan, Kien Liong Wong, Munawar Agus Riyadi, Afiq Hamzah, Shahrizal Rusli, Nurul Ezaila Alias, Cheng Siong Lim, Michael Loong Peng Tan. Semi-analytical modelling and evaluation of uniformly doped silicene nanotransistors for digital logic gates. Plos one. 16(6): e0253289. (IF: 2.74, Q2)
- Zangina, S. Buyamin, M.S. Zainal Abidin, M.S.A. Mahmud. Agricultural Rout Planning with Variable Rate Pesticide Application in a Greenhouse Environment. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 60(3): 3007-3020 (IF: 2.46, Q2)
- S.A. Mahmud, M.S. Zainal Abidin, S. Buyamin, H. S. Hasan. Optimize Navigation Design for an Underwater Cleaning Robot in Water Reservoir Tank. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. 101(9): 1-12 (IF: 2.259, Q3)
- Aminurrashid Noordin, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Izzuddin Mat Lazim. Adaptive PID controller using sliding mode control approaches for quadrotor UAV attitude and position stabilization. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 46(2): 963-981. (IF: 1.711, Q3)
- Muhammad Abbas Abbasi, Abdul Rashid Husain, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris, SM Fasih ur Rehman. Modified model predictive torque control for induction motors with improved robustness against mutual inductance mismatching. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. e12927. (IF: 1.692, Q3)
- IM Lazim, AR Husain, Z Mohamed, MAM Basri, NAM Subha, L Ramli. Effective Formation Tracking of Quadrotors with Intelligent Disturbance Observer-Based Control. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering. 1-16. (IF: 0.657, Q4)
- Noraide Md Yusop, Rosbi Mamat. Improved Event-Based Pi Controller for Limit Cycles Avoidance. International Journal of Integrated Engineering. 13(4): 63-76.
- Chai Mau Shern, Rozaimi Ghazali, Chong Shin Horng, Chong Chee Soon, Muhamad Fadli Ghani, Yahaya Md Sam, Zulfatman Has. The Effects of Weightage Values with Two Objective Functions in iPSO for Electro-Hydraulic Actuator System. Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. 81(2). 98-109.
- Aminurrashid Noordin, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri, Zaharuddin Mohamed. Sliding Mode Control with Tanh Function for Quadrotor UAV Altitude and Attitude Stabilization. Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics. 471-491.
- Mohd Sabri Minhat, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Fazilah Hassan, Abdul Rashid Husain, Anita Ahmad, Fatimah Sham Ismail, Norikhwan Hamzah. A multipronged core power control strategy for Reaktor TRIGA PUSPATI. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1106(1) : 012001.
- Ayop, W. Chee Tan, S. N. Syed Norazizul, N. Mohamad Nordin and M.S.A. Mahmud. Angle-Based Photovoltaic Curve Tracing using Boost Converter. Second International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing Technologies 2020 (ICE4CT 2020).
- MH Husin, MF Rahmat, NA Wahab, MFM Sabri. Neural Network Ammonia-Based Aeration Control for Activated Sludge Process Wastewater Treatment Plant. Proceedings of the 11th National Technical Seminar on Unmanned System Technology 2019. 471-487.
- A.R. Mohd Kamil, S. Mohammad Shithil, Z.H. Ismail, M.S.A. Mahmud, A.A. Mohd Faudzi (2021). Path Planning based on Inflated Medial Axis and Probabilistic Roadmap for Duct Environment. International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Machine Learning (ICCIML 2021).
- M.T. Ahmed Ratul, M.S.A. Mahmud, M.S. Zainal Abidin, R. Ayop (2021). Design and Development of GMapping based SLAM Algorithm in Virtual Agricultural Environment. 11th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering 2021 (ICCSCE2021).
BOOK CHAPTER1. Shahdan Sudin Mu’azu Jibrin Musa, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Abubakar Abisetu Oremeyi, Yahaya Otuoze Salihu, Gambo Danasabe. Vehicle Following Control with Improved Information Flow Using Two-Vehicle-Look-Ahead-Plus-Rear-Vehicle Topology. Machine Learning and Data Mining for Emerging Trend in Cyber Dynamics: Theories and Applications. 261.
2. Olakunle Elijah Mu’azu Jibrin Musa, Shahdan Sudin, Suleiman Garba, Saliu Aliu Sala, Abubakar Abisetu Oremeyi. Internet of Vehicle for Two-Vehicle Look-Ahead Convoy System Using State Feedback Control. Machine Learning and Data Mining for Emerging Trend in Cyber Dynamics: Theories and Applications. 241.
- H. S.Hassan, M.S. Zainal Abidin, M.S.A. Mahmud, M.F.Muhamad Said. Ultra-Wideband based on Automated Guide Vehicle for Localization. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies. 12(1): 1-8.
ISI Journals
- M Shaheed, Z Mohamed, HI Jaafar, MA Ahmad, NA Wahab, L Ramli. Control of an Underactuated Double-Pendulum Overhead Crane using Improved Model Reference Command Shaping: Design, Simulation and Experiment. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- AM Abdullahi, Z Mohamed, H Selamat, HR Pota, MSZ Abidin, SM Fasih (2020). Efficient control of a 3D overhead crane with simultaneous payload hoisting and wind disturbance: design, simulation and experiment. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 135. 106326. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- Liyana Ramli, Z Mohamed, MÖ Efe, Izzuddin M Lazim, HI Jaafar (2020). Efficient swing control of an overhead crane with simultaneous payload hoisting and external disturbances. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 135. 106326. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- Haruna, Z Mohamed, MÖ Efe, MAM Basri (2020). Improved integral backstepping control of variable speed motion systems with application to a laboratory helicopter. ISA transactions. 97. 1-13. (IF: 4.343, Q1)
- N Khamis, H Selamat, FS Ismail, OF Lutfy, MF Haniff, INAM Nordin (2020). Optimized exit door locations for a safer emergency evacuation using crowd evacuation model and artificial bee colony optimization. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 131, 109505. (IF: 3.764, Q1)
- MA Abbasi, AR Husain, NRN Idris, W Anjum, H Bassi, MJH Rawa (2020). Predictive Flux Control for Induction Motor Drives With Modified Disturbance Observer for Improved Transient Response. IEEE Access 8, 112484-112495 (IF: 3.745, Q1)
- A Eltayeb, MF Rahmat, MAM Basri, MAM Eltoum, S El-Ferik. An Improved Design of an Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Chattering Attenuation and Trajectory Tracking of the Quadcopter UAV. IEEE Access 8, 205968-205979. (IF: 3.745, Q1)
- A.A. Emmanuel, M.S. Zainal Abidin, M.S.A. Mahmud, M.K.I. Abd Rahman, S. Buyamin, M.H.I. Ishak, A. Otuoze, O. Patrick (2020). A Review on Monitoring and Advance Control Strategies for Precision Irrigation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 173: 105441 (IF: 3.171, Q1)
- R Ayop, CW Tan, MSA Mahmud, SNS Nasir, T Al-Hadhrami, AL Bukar. A simplified and fast computing photovoltaic model for string simulation under partial shading condition. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 42, 100812. (IF: 3.427, Q2)
- Waqas Anjum, Abdul Rashid Husain, Junaidi Abdul Aziz, M Abbas Abbasi, Hasan Alqaraghuli (2020). Continuous dynamic sliding mode control strategy of PWM based voltage source inverter under load variations. PLoS One. 15(2). e0228636. (IF: 2.776, Q2)
- Elham Yazdani Bejarbaneh, Arash Hosseinian Ahangarnejad, Ahmad Bagheri, Behnam Yazdani Bejarbaneh, Binh Thai Pham, Salinda Buyamin, Fatemeh Shirinzadeh (2020). Optimal design of adaptive and proportional integral derivative controllers using a novel hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. (IF: 1.956, Q3)
- Aminurrashid Noordin, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Izzuddin Mat Lazim. Adaptive PID Controller Using Sliding Mode Control Approaches for Quadrotor UAV Attitude and Position Stabilization. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 1-19. (1.711, Q3)
- SM Fasih, Z Mohamed, AR Husain, L Ramli, AM Abdullahi, W Anjum (2020). Payload swing control of a tower crane using a neural network–based input shaper. Measurement and Control (IF: 1.492, Q3)
SCOPUS Journals
- MF Rahmat, A Eltayeb, MAM Basri. Adaptive Feedback Linearization Controller for Stabilization of Quadrotor UAV. International Journal of Integrated Engineering 12 (4), 1-17.
- Umar Zangina, Salinda Buyamin, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Mohd Saiful Azimi. Non-linear PID Controller for Trajectory Tracking of a Differential Drive Mobile Robot. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments. 43(7) : 255-270.
- A Eltayeb, M Rahmat, M Eltoum, MAM Basri. Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Design for Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Trajectory Tracking International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 9 (2), 249-257.
- MAM Basri, A Noordin. Optimal backstepping control of quadrotor UAV using gravitational search optimization algorithm. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (5), 1819-1826.
- KA Azuddin, AK Junoh, Z Mohamed, MT Abdul Rahman (2020). A Comparative Study on Interior Acoustic Comfort Level of Compact Cars using Data Mining Approach. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 17(1). 7695-7708.
- Mohd Sabri Minhat, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Fazilah Hassan, Norjulia Mohamad Nordin (2020). An improved control rod selection algorithm for core power control at TRIGA PUSPATI Reactor. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences. 14(1). 6362-6379.
- S Ibrahim, NA Wahab, FS Ismail, YM Sam (2020). Optimization of artificial neural network topology for membrane bioreactor filtration using response surface methodology. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 9 (1), 117.
- NSA Yasmin, NA Wahab, AN Anuar (2020). Improved support vector machine using optimization techniques for an aerobic granular sludge. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (5).
- MC Razali, NA Wahab, A Zainal, MF Rahmat, R Vilanova (2020). Data-driven adaptive predictive control for an activated sludge process. Data-driven adaptive predictive control for an activated sludge proces. 9 (5), 1827-1834.
- Z Yusof, NA Wahab, S Ibrahim, S Sahlan, MC Razali (2020). Modeling of submerged membrane filtration processes using recurrent artificial neural networks. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 9 (1), 155.
- N Mahmod, NA Wahab, MS Gaya (2020). Modelling and control of fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor using neural network internal model control. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 9 (1), 100.
- M.S. Minhat, N.A. Mohd Subha, F. Hassan, A. Ahmad, A.R. Husain (2020). Profiling and analysis of control rod speed design on core power control for TRIGA reactor. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 128, 103481.
Non-Indexed Journals
- A.A. Emmanuel, M.S. Zainal Abidin, M.S.A. Mahmud, M.K.I. Abd Rahman, S. Buyamin, M.H.I. Ishak. Performance Comparison of Experimental IoT Based Drip and Fibrous Capillary Irrigation Systems in The Cultivation of Cantaloupe Plants. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal. 1(2). 2020.
- IM Lazim, AR Husain, L Ramli, NAM Subha, MAM Basri. Consensus Tracking Control of Multiple Quadrotors with a Cooperative Leader. Applications of Modelling and Simulation 4, 159-170.
- Liyana Ramli, Izzuddin M Lazim, Hazriq Izzuan Jaafar, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2020). Modelling and Fuzzy Logic Control of an Underactuated Tower Crane System. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 4. 1-11.
- Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Abioye Abiodun Emmanuel, Hameedah Sahib Hasan (2020). Robotics and Automation in Agriculture: Present and Future Applications. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 4. 130-140.
Conferences and Proceedings
- A Eltayeb, MF Rahmat, MAM Basri, AMM Mansour. Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Design for the Attitude of the Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 884 (1), 012081
- H Sahib Hasan, MSZ Abidin, MSA Mahmud, MF Muhammad Said. Ultra Wideband and Inertia Measurement Unit Fusion System for Localization. 8th International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities. 5-8.
- U Khairuddin, NAZM Razi, MSZ Abidin, R Yusof (2020). Smart Packing Simulator for 3D Packing Problem Using Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1447(1). 0120414.
- MS Chai, R Ghazali, SH Chong, CC Soon, J Too, YM Sam (2020). Performance comparison of optimization techniques in EHS system using sliding mode controller. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 834 (1), 012025.
- HS Hasan, MSZ Abidin, MSA Mahmud (2020). UWB with AGV for Localization System. Science Proceedings Series 2 (1), 46-49.
ISI Journals
- MJ Maghsoudi, Liyana Ramli, S Sudin, Z Mohamed, AR Husain, H Wahid (2019). Improved unity magnitude input shaping scheme for sway control of an underactuated 3D overhead crane with hoisting. Mechanical systems and signal processing. 123. 466-482. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- Hazriq Izzuan Jaafar, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Mohamad Amir Shamsudin, NA Mohd Subha, Liyana Ramli, AM Abdullahi (2019). Model reference command shaping for vibration control of multimode flexible systems with application to a double-pendulum overhead crane. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 115.677-695. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- Elham Yazdani Bejarbaneh, Ahmad Bagheri, Behnam Yazdani Bejarbaneh, Salinda Buyamin, Saeed Nezamivand Chegini (2019). A new adjusting technique for PID type fuzzy logic controller using PSOSCALF optimization algorithm. Applied Soft Computing. 85. 105822. (IF: 4.873, Q1)
- Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Muhammad Khairie Idham Abd Rahman, Michihisa Iida (2019). Multi-objective path planner for an agricultural mobile robot in a virtual greenhouse environment. Computers and electronics in agriculture. 157.488-499. (IF: 3.171, Q1)
- HI Jaafar, Z Mohamed, NA Mohd Subha, AR Husain, FS Ismail, Liyana Ramli, MO Tokhi, MA Shamsudin (2019). Efficient control of a nonlinear double-pendulum overhead crane with sensorless payload motion using an improved PSO-tuned PID controller. Journal of Vibration and Control. 25(4). 907-921. (IF: 2.865, Q1)
- N Hamzah, MF Mohd Yasin, MZ Mohd Yusop, A Saat, NA Mohd Subha (2019). Growth region characterization of carbon nanotubes synthesis in heterogeneous flame environment with wire-based macro-image analysis. Diamond and Related Materials. 99. 107500. (IF: 2.29, Q2)
- Vei Siang Chan, Farhan Mohamed, Yusman Azimi Yusoff, Dyah Ekashanti Octorina Dewi, Alfiera Anuar, Mohamad Amir Shamsudin, Wey Sheng Mong (2019). Using game controller as position tracking sensor for 3D freehand ultrasound imaging. Medical & biological engineering & computing. 1-14. (IF: 2.039, Q2)
- Izzuddin M Lazim, Abdul Rashid Husain, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Liyana Ramli (2019). Disturbance observer-based formation tracking control of multiple quadrotors in the presence of disturbances. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 41(14). 4129-4141. (IF: 1.956, Q3)
- Siti Fadilah Abd Latip, Abdul Rashid Husain, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri (2019). Adaptive PID actuator fault tolerant control of single-link flexible manipulator. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 41(4). 1019-1031. (IF: 1.956, Q3)
- Amelia Ahmad Khalili, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri (2019). Enhanced backstepping sliding mode controller for motion tracking of a nonlinear 2-DOF piezo-actuated micromanipulation system. Microsystem Technologies. 25(10). 3765-3777. (IF: 1.513, Q3)
- Zakariah Yusuf, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Shahdan Sudin (2019). Soft computing techniques in modelling of membrane filtration system: a review. Desalination and Water Treatment. 161. 144-155. (IF: 1.234, Q3)
- Nabil El Fezazi, El Houssaine Tissir, Fatima El Haoussi, Fernando Augusto Bender, Abdul Rashid Husain (2019). Controller synthesis for steer-by-wire system performance in vehicle. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering. 43(4). 813-825. (IF: 0.6, Q4)
SCOPUS Journals
- A Noordin, MAM Basri, Z Mohamed. Sliding mode control for altitude and attitude stabilization of quadrotor UAV with external disturbance (2019). Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI). 7(2). 203-210.
- Muhammad Iqbal Zakaria, Abdul Rashid Husain, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Mohd Badril Nor Shah (2019). Steering control of a steer-by-wire system vehicle with time delay and actuator saturation via anti-windup controller. Engineering and Applied Science Research. 46(1). 72-78.
- Nur Sakinah Ahmad Yasmin, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Aznah Nor Anuar, Mustafa Bob (2019). Performance comparison of SVM and ANN for aerobic granular sludge. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. 8(4). 1392-1401.
- Muhammad Nizam Kamarudin, Sahazati Md Rozali, T Sutikno, Abdul Rashid Husain (2019). New robust bounded control for uncertain nonlinear system using mixed backstepping and Lyapunov redesign. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 9(2). 1090.
- Muhammad Khairie Idham Abd Rahman, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, Salinda Buyamin, Mohamad Hafis Izran Ishak, Abioye Abiodun Emmanuel (2019). Advancement of a smart fibrous capillary irrigation management system with an Internet of Things integration. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. 8(4). 1402-1410.
- Mustapha Muhammad, Amir A Bature, Umar Zangina, Salinda Buyamin, Anita Ahmad, Mohamad A Shamsudin (2019). Velocity control of a two-wheeled inverted pendulum mobile robot: a fuzzy model-based approach. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. 8(3). 808-817.
- Nurul Kausar Ab Majid, Fatimah Sham Ismail (2019). Electronics system thermal management optimization using finite element and Nelder-Mead method. Telkomnika. 17(5). 2268-2275.
- Nurulaqilla Khamis, Hazlina Selamat, Fatimah Sham Ismail, Omar Farouq Lutfy (2019). Optimal Exit Configuration of Factory Layout for a Safer Emergency Evacuation using Crowd Simulation Model and Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony Optimization. International Journal of Integrated Engineering.11(4).
Non-Indexed Journals
- CM Shern, R Ghazali, CC Soon, YM Sam, MF Rahmat (2019). Position Tracking Performance for ElectroHydraulic Actuator System with the Presence of Actuator Internal Leakage. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC). 11(1). 21-24.
- Muhammad Nizam Kamarudin, Sahazati Md Rozali, Mohd Hendra Hairi, Alias Khamis, Abdul Rashid Husain (2019). Linearization-Advantages and Shortcomings Toward Control System Design. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEEAS). 2(2). 17-22.
- Hasan Thaer Alqaraghuli, Abdul Rashid Husain, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris, Waqas Anjum, Muhammad Abbas Abbasi (2019). Numerical Discretization Estimation for Ordinary Differential Equation via Hybrid Discretization. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 3(1). 55-63.
Conferences and Proceedings
- Marwan Nafea, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Mohamed Sultan Mohamed Ali, Kamyar Mehranzamir, Tariq Rehman (2019). Hybrid PSO-Tuned PID and Hysteresis-Observer Based Control for Piezoelectric Micropositioning Stages. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Application (ICSIMA). 1-6.
- E Samsuria, YM Sam, F Hassan (2019). Force Tracking Control of Nonlinear Active Suspension System with Hydraulic Actuator Dynamic. Asian Simulation Conference. 92-102
- SI Abba, MS Gaya, ML Yakubu, MU Zango, RA Abdulkadir, MA Saleh, AN Hamza, Ukashatu Abubakar, AI Tukur, NA Wahab (2019). Modelling of Uncertain system: a comparison study of linear and non-linear approaches. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS). 1-6.
ISI Journals
- Liyana Ramli, Z Mohamed, HI Jaafar (2018). A neural network-based input shaping for swing suppression of an overhead crane under payload hoisting and mass variations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 107. 484-501. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- Auwalu M Abdullahi, Z Mohamed, H Selamat, Hemanshu R Pota, MS Zainal Abidin, FS Ismail, A Haruna (2018). Adaptive output-based command shaping for sway control of a 3D overhead crane with payload hoisting and wind disturbance. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 98. 157-172. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- Nor Azlina Ab Aziz, Zuwairie Ibrahim, Marizan Mubin, Sophan Wahyudi Nawawi, Mohd Saberi Mohamad (2018). Improving particle swarm optimization via adaptive switching asynchronous–synchronous update. Applied Soft Computing. 72. 298-311. (IF: 4.873, Q1)
- Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri (2018). Trajectory Tracking Control of Autonomous Quadrotor Helicopter Using Robust Neural Adaptive Backstepping Approach. Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 31(2). 04017091. (IF: 1.373, Q2)
- NM Siti, Shahliza Abd Halim, Dayang NA Jawawi, Rosbi Mamat (2018). Enhanced educational robotics feature model in software product line. Advanced Science Letters. 24(10). 7251-7256. (IF: 1.253, Q2)
- Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri (2018). Design and application of an adaptive backstepping sliding mode controller for a six-DOF quadrotor aerial robot. Robotica. 36(11). 1701-1727. (IF: 1.184, Q4)
- Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri. (2018) Robust Backstepping Controller Design with a Fuzzy Compensator for Autonomous Hovering Quadrotor UAV. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering. 42(3). 379-391. (IF: 0.6, Q4)
SCOPUS Journals
- Aminurrashid Noordin, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2018). Sensor fusion for attitude estimation and PID control of quadrotor UAV. International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications. 7(4).
- Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2018). Solving an Agricultural Robot Routing Problem with Binary Particle Swarm Optimization and a Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research. 7(5).
- M Khairudin, S Riyanto, Z Mohammed (2018). Development of Fuzzy Logic Control for Indoor Lighting Using LEDs Group. Telkomnika. 16(3). 1165-1173.
- A Noordin, MAM Basri, Z Mohamed (2018). Sensor fusion algorithm by complementary filter for attitude estimation of quadrotor with low-cost IMU. Telkomnika. 16(2). 868-875.
- Ahmad Alhassan, Z Mohamed, Auwalu M Abdullahi, Amir A Bature, Ado Haruna, Nura M Tahir (2018). Input shaping techniques for sway control of a rotary crane system. Jurnal Teknologi. 80(1).
- Mu’azu, Shahdan Sudin, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2018). Aerodynamic disturbance on vehicle’s dynamic parameters. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 13(1). 69-82.
- MF Omar, R Ghazali, IM Saadon, MK Aripin, YM Sam, CC Soon (2018). Optimal Control for Sport Utility Vehicle System Using Linear Quadratic Integral Control Approach. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC). 10(4). 143-149.
- Muhammad Assahubulkahfi, Yahaya Md Sam, Andino Maseleno, Miftachul Huda (2018). LQR tuning by particle swarm optimization of full car suspension system. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 7(2.13). 328-331.
- Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Jeevaniswaran Thangaraj (2018). Automation of Pick and Place Operation in Contact Lens Manufacturing. ELEKTRIKA-Journal of Electrical Engineering. 17(2). 25-29.
- Zakariah Yusuf, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Shafishuhaza Sahlan (2018). Neural Network Model Development with Soft Computing Techniques for Membrane Filtration Process. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 8(4). 2614.
- Mohd Hakim Ab Halim, Aznah Nor Anuar, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Hazlami Fikri Basri, Zaini Ujang, Mustafa M Bob (2018). Development of aerobic granules in sequencing batch reactor system for treating high temperature domestic wastewater. Jurnal Teknologi. 81(3).
- Muhammad Abbas Abbasi, Abdul Rashid Bin Husain, Hasan Alqaraghuli (2018). Modular Approach to Implement Model Predictive Control on Three Phase Voltage Source Inverter. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems. 9(2). 897.
- Muhammad Abbas Abbasi, Abdul Rashid Bin Husain (2018). Model predictive control of a dual induction motor drive fed by a single voltage source inverter. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences. 26(3). 1623-1637.
- Izzuddin M Lazim, Abdul Rashid Husain, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri (2018). Intelligent Observer-Based Feedback Linearization for Auton-omous Quadrotor Control. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 7(4.35). 904-911.
- Mohammad Shafiq Mohammad Ashraf, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, M Rahman, Z Motea (2018). Modelling and Parameters Identification of a Quadrotor Using a Custom Test Rig. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS). 9(2). 865-872.
- Muhammad Khairie Idham Abd Rahman, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Salinda Buyamin, Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud (2018). Enhanced Fertigation Control System Towards Higher Water Saving Irrigation. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 10(3). 859-866.
- Muhammad Khairie Idham Abd, Salinda Buyamin, MS Zainal Abidin, Musa Mohd Mokji (2018). Development of Automatic Mixing Process for Fertigation System in Rock Melon Cultivation. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 8(3). 1913.
- Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, Salinda Buyamin, Musa Mohd Mokji, MS Zainal Abidin (2018). Internet of things based smart environmental monitoring for mushroom cultivation. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 10(3). 847-852.
- Amir Mehdi Yazdani, Amin Mahmoudi, Mohammad Ahmadi Movahed, Pooria Ghanooni, Somaiyeh Mahmoudzadeh, Salinda Buyamin (2018). Intelligent Speed Control of Hybrid Stepper Motor Considering Model Uncertainty Using Brain Emotional Learning. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 41(2). 95-104.
- Elham Yazdani Bejarbaneh, Ahmad Bagheri, Behnam Yazdani Bejarbaneh, Salinda Buyamin (2018). Optimization of model reference adaptive controller for the inverted pendulum system using CCPSO and DE algorithms. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 52(4). 256-267.
- Aveen Uthman, Shahdan Sudin (2018). Antenna Azimuth Position Control System using PID Controller & State-Feedback Controller Approach. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE). 8(3). 1539-1550.
- MA Nawawi, Fatimah Sham Ismail, Hazlina Selamat (2018). Comprehensive Pineapple Segmentation Techniques with Intelligent Convolutional Neural Network. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 10(3). 1098-1195.
- Nurul Adilla Subha, Herlina Rahim, Syahidah Nurani Zulkifli (2018). Analysis of Bacterial Contaminant in Pasir Gudang, Johor Tap Water Supply–Varies pH Value Observation. International Journal of Engineering. 31(8). 1455-1463.
Non-Indexed Journals
- MJ Maghsoudi, H Nacer, MO Tokhi, Z Mohamed (2018). A novel approach in S-shaped input design for higher vibration reduction. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 2 (2). 76-83.
- Enjang Akhmad Juanda, Nurul Wahidah, M Khairudin, Z Mohamed (2018). Implementation of a Raspberry Pi Trainer for the Subject of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers in Vocational High Schools. Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan. 24(1). 147-154.
- Muhamad Fahezal Ismail, Yahaya Md Sam, Shahdan Sudin, Kemao Peng, Mohd Khairi Aripin (2018). A Chattering Suppression of Proportional Sliding Mode Control with Composite Nonlinear Feedback Technique using Sigmoid Function for MacPherson Active Suspension System. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 2(2). 59-69.
- Tahmida Islam, Leila Rajabpour, Roy Eduardo Leon, Abdul Rashid Husain (2018). Simulation and Real-time Analysis of Active Suspension System over Controller Area Network. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 2(2). 70-75.
- Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha (2018). Simulation of Backstepping-based Nonlinear Control for Quadrotor Helicopter. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 2(1). 34-40.
- Ang Oon Thay, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Mohamad Amir Shamsudin, Shafishuhaza Sahlan (2018). Sliding Mode Controller for Trajectory Tracking Control of Autonomous Mobile Robot. ELEKTRIKA-Journal of Electrical Engineering. 17(1). 28-33.
Conferences and Proceedings
- HI Jaafar, Z Mohamed, Liyana Ramli, AM Abdullahi (2018). Vibration Control of a Nonlinear Double-Pendulum Overhead Crane Using Feedforward Command Shaping. 2018 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC). 118-122.
- MHM Ramli, APPA Majeed, MAM Anuar, Z Mohamed (2018). Modelling and control of a nonlinear magnetostrictive actuator system. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 342(1). 012047.
- Erliana Samsuria, Yahaya Md Sam, Liyana Ramli (2018). Active Suspension Control by Using Linear Quadratic Regulator and Sliding Mode Control Techniques with Optimisation. 2018 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC). 135-140.
- Saeed Mohammed, Chong Chee Soon, Rozaimi Ghazali, Ahmad Anas Yusof, Yahaya Md Sam, Chai Mau Shern (2018). An Electro-Hydraulic Servo with Intelligent Control Strategy. MATEC Web of Conferences. 150. 01016.
- Nurul Hannah Mohd Yusof, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Siti Maherah Hussin (2018). Development of Modular Networked Multi Process Control System: Low-Cost NMAS Simulator. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS). 24-28.
- Mohd Sabri Minhat, Hazlina Selamat, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha (2018). Adaptive control method for core power control in TRIGA Mark II reactor. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 298(1). 012028.
ISI Journals
- N Hamzah, MF Mohd Yasin, MZ Mohd Yusop, A Saat, NA Mohd Subha (2017). Rapid production of carbon nanotubes: a review on advancement in growth control and morphology manipulations of flame synthesis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 5(48). 25144-25170. (IF: 10.733, Q1)
- Liyana Ramli, Z Mohamed, Auwalu M Abdullahi, HI Jaafar, Izzuddin M Lazim (2017). Control strategies for crane systems: A comprehensive review. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 95. 1-23. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- Mohammad Javad Maghsoudi, Z Mohamed, S Sudin, S Buyamin, HI Jaafar, SM Ahmad (2017). An improved input shaping design for an efficient sway control of a nonlinear 3D overhead crane with friction. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 92. 364-378. (IF: 5.005, Q1)
- A Haruna, Z Mohamed, Mehmet Önder Efe, Mohd Ariffanan M Basri (2017). Dual boundary conditional integral backstepping control of a twin rotor MIMO system. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 354(15). 6831-6854. (IF: 3.653, Q1)
- Aizat Azmi, Ahmad Amsyar Azman, Khairell Khazin Kaman, Sallehuddin Ibrahim, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Sophan Wahyudi Nawawi, Mohd Amri Md Yunus (2017). Performance of coating materials on planar electromagnetic sensing array to detect water contamination. IEEE Sensors Journal. 17(16). 5244-5251. (IF: 3.076, Q1)
- Auwalu M Abdullahi, Z Mohamed, MS Zainal Abidin, S Buyamin, Amir A Bature (2017). Output-based command shaping technique for an effective payload sway control of a 3D crane with hoisting. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 39(10). 1443-1453. (IF: 1.956, Q3)
- MJ Maghsoudi, Z Mohamed, MO Tokhi, AR Husain, MS Zainal Abidin (2017). Control of a gantry crane using input-shaping schemes with distributed delay. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 39(3). 361-370. (IF: 1.956, Q3)
- Nor Azlina Ab Aziz, Zuwairie Ibrahim, Marizan Mubin, Shahdan Sudin (2017). Adaptive switching gravitational search algorithm: an attempt to improve diversity of gravitational search algorithm through its iteration strategy. Sādhanā. 42(7). 1103-1121. (IF: 0.769, Q4)
SCOPUS Journals
- Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2017). Localization and Motion Control Implementation For An Agricultural Mobile Robot. Jurnal Teknologi. 79(7).
- Nura Musa Tahir, Sabo Miya Hassan, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Ahmed Garba Ibrahim (2017). Output Based Input Shaping For Optimal Control Of Single Link Flexible Manipulator. International Journal on Smart Sensing & Intelligent Systems. 10(2).
- A Haruna, Z Mohamed, MAM Basri, L Ramli, A Alhassan (2017). 2-step integral backstepping control of the two-rotor aero-dynamical system (TRAS). Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. 9(6S). 395-407.
- Aminurrashid Noordin, MA Mohd Basri, Zaharuddin Mohamed, AF Zainal Abidin (2017). Modelling and PSO fine-tuned PID control of quadrotor UAV. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. 7(4). 1367-1373.
- Nur Sakinah Ahmad Yasmin, Muhammad Sani Gaya, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Yahaya Md Sam (2017). Estimation of pH and MLSS using Neural Network. Telkomnika. 15(2).
- Rozaimi Ghazali, Maslinda Paharudin, Yahaya Md Sam, Sharifah Yuslinda Syed Hussien, Mohd Hafiz Jali (2017). Intelligent controller design for a nonlinear quarter car active suspension with electro-hydraulic actuator. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 12. 39-51.
- Mohd Hanif Che Hasan, Yahaya Md Sam, Muhamad Khairi Aripin, Mohamad Haniff Harun, Syahrul Hisham Mohamad (2017). Implementation of robust composite nonlinear feedback for active front steering based vehicle yaw stability. Jurnal Teknologi. 79(5-2).
- Abdulrahman AA Emhemed, Rosbi Bin Mamat, Mohd Faudzi Ahmad’Athif (2017). Development of Predictive Control Strategy Using Self-Identification Matrix Technique (SMT). Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 12(7). 1915-1929.
- Z Yusuf, N Abdul Wahab, S Sahlan (2017). Modeling of Filtration Process Using PSO-Neural Network. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC). 9(3). 15-19.
- Zakariah Yusuf, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Abdallah Abusam (2017). Neural network-based model predictive control with CPSOGSA for SMBR filtration. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 7(3). 1538.
- Nurazizah Mahmod, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab (2017). Dynamic modelling of aerobic granular sludge artificial neural networks. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 7(3). 1568.
- Syahira Ibrahim, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Aznah Nor Anuar, Mustafa Bob (2017). Parameter Optimisation of Aerobic Granular Sludge at High Temperature Using Response Surface Methodology. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering. 7(3).
- Norjannah Hazali, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Syahira Ibrahim (2017). Modelling and Evaluation of Sequential Batch Reactor Using Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 7(3). 1620.
- Sharatul Izah Samsudin, Sani Irwan Md Salim, Mohd Fua’ad Rahmat, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Mohd Hafiz Sulaiman (2017). Multivariable State-Space Identification of Dissolve Oxygen Control. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering. 9(1-5). 125-129.
- Irma Wani Jamaludin, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab (2017). Recursive Subspace Identification Algorithm using the Propagator Based Method. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 6(1). 172-179.
- Nurazizah Mahmod, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab (2017). Fouling Prediction Using Neural Network Model for Membrane Bioreactor System. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 6(1). 200-206.
- MS Gaya, MU Zango, LA Yusuf, Mamunu Mustapha, Bashir Muhammad, Ashiru Sani, Aminu Tijjani, NA Wahab, MTM Khairi (2017). Estimation of turbidity in water treatment plant using Hammerstein-Wiener and neural network technique. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 5(3). 666-672.
- NSFM Murad, MN Kamarudin, S Md Rozali, NM Shaharudin, A Khamis, AR Husain (2017). Variable Speed Control of Two-Mass Wind Turbine with Unknown Stiffness. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering. 9(4). 117-121.
- Mahmood Ali Moqbel Obaid, Abdul Rashid Husain (2017). Time varying backstepping control for trajectory tracking of mobile robot. International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics. 7(1-2). 172-181.
- Nur Warissyahidah Badrul Hisham, Fatimah Sham Ismail, Muhammad Azmi Ahmed Nawawi (2017). Thermal Performance Analysis for Optimal Passive Cooling Heat Sink Design. Telkomnika. 15(2). 883.
- Nor Azlina Ab Aziz, Zuwairie Ibrahim, Marizan Mubin, Sophan Wahyudi Nawawi, Nor Hidayati Abdul Aziz (2017). Transitional Particle Swarm Optimization. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 7(3). 1611.
Non-Indexed Journals
- Tan Ying Jian, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2017). Modelling and sway control of a double-pendulum overhead crane system. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 1(1). 15-21.
- Fakhitah Ridzuan, Dayang Norhayati Abang Jawawi, Rosbi Mamat (2017). Evaluation of Computer Programming Teaching Tools for Secondary Schools Students. International Journal of Software Engineering and Technology. 3(1).
- Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Nurhayati Baharudin, Muhd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, Muhammad Khairie Idham Abd Rahman (2017). Modelling and Control of DWR 1.0–A Two Wheeled Mobile Robot. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 1(1). 29-35.
- Ahmad Aizuddin Azman, Fatimah Sham Ismail (2017). Convolutional Neural Network for Optimal Pineapple Harvesting. ELEKTRIKA-Journal of Electrical Engineering. 16(2). 1-4.
- Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri, Mohamad Amir Shamsudin (2017). Minimize the Prediction Error in External Consensus Problem using Gain Error Ratio Formula. Applications of Modelling and Simulation. 1(1). 22-28.
- Herlina Abdul Rahim, Syahidah Nurani Zulkifli, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Ruzairi Abdul Rahim, Hafilah Zainal Abidin (2017). Water quality monitoring using wireless sensor network and smartphone-based applications: A review. Sensors & Transducers. 209(2).
Conferences and Proceedings
- Mostafa Sayahkarajy, Eko Supriyanto, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2017). Principal vibration modes of a rigid-flexible manipulator. 2017 International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Sciences (ICORAS). 1-5.
- Reza Ezuan Samin, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2017). Comparative assessment of anti-sway control strategy for tower crane system. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1883(1). 020035.
- J Musa Mu’azu, Shahdan Sudin, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Sophan W Nawawi (2017). Novel information flow topology for vehicle convoy control. Asian Simulation Conference. 323-335.
- Muhammad Iqbal Zakaria, Abdul Rashid Husain, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Mohd Badril Nor Shah, Fernando Augusto Bender (2017). Stabilization of nonlinear steer-by-wire system via LMI-based state feedback. Asian Simulation Conference. 668-684.
- Hazriq Izzuan Jaafar, Zaharuddin Mohamed (2017). PSO-tuned PID controller for a nonlinear double-pendulum crane system. Asian Simulation Conference. 203-215.
- Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Muhammad Khairie Idham Abd Rahman, Salinda Buyamin (2017). Enhanced probabilistic roadmap for robot navigation in virtual greenhouse environment. Asian Simulation Conference. 172-182.
- Izzuddin M Lazim, Abdul Rashid Husain, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Zaharuddin Mohamed, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri (2017). Optimal formation control of multiple quadrotors based on particle swarm optimization. Asian Simulation Conference. 121-135.
- Muhamad Fahezal Ismail, Yahaya Md Sam, Shahdan Sudin, Kemao Peng, Muhamad Khairi Aripin (2017). The Effect of Matrix C in Sliding Mode Control with Composite Nonlinear Feedback Control Strategy in MacPherson Active Suspension System. Asian Simulation Conference. 472-484.
- Chong Chee Soon, Rozaimi Ghazali, Hazriq Izzuan Zaafar, Sahazati Md Rozali, Yahaya Md Sam, Mohd Fua’ad Rahmat (2017). The Effects of Pressure Variation in Sliding Mode Controller with Optimized PID Sliding Surface. Asian Simulation Conference. 104-115.
- Rafidah Ngadengon, Yahaya Md Sam, Rohaiza Hamdan, Mohd Hafiz A Jalil, Herdawatie Abdul Kadir (2017). Multirate Output Feedback Based Discrete Integral Sliding Mode Control for System with Uncertainties. Asian Simulation Conference. 712-722.
- R Ngadengon, YM Sam, JHS Osman, R Tomari, WN Wan Zakaria (2017). Stabilization of inverted pendulum: a multirate output feedback based discrete time sliding mode control. 9th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications. 419-426.
- Zakariah Yusuf, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Shafishuhaza Sahlan (2017). Asian Simulation Conference. Cooperative PSOGSA Using Multiple Groups Approach for Functions Optimization. Asian Simulation Conference 83-96.
- Sahazati Md Rozali, Nor Syaza Farhana, Muhammad Nizam Kamarudin, Amar Faiz Zainal Abidin, Mohd Fua’ad Rahmat, Abdul Rashid Husain, Chong Chee Soon (2017). Robust Control Design of Nonlinear System via Backstepping-PSO with Sliding Mode Techniques. Asian Simulation Conference. 27-37.
- Amirah‘Aisha Badrul Hisham, Marwan Nafea, Ahmad Bukhari Aujih, Mohamad Hafis Izran Ishak, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin (2017). Racer: A Simulated Environment Driving Simulator to Investigate Human Driving Skill. Asian Simulation Conference. 534-547.
- Amir A Bature, Salinda Buyamin, Mohamad N Ahmad, Auwalu M Abdullahi, Mustapha Muhammad, Mohamad Shukri Zainal Abidin (2017). Biased Robust Composite Nonlinear Feedback Control of Under Actuated Systems. Asian Simulation Conference. 296-305.
- Nurulaqilla Khamis, Hazlina Selamat, Rubiyah Yusof, Fatimah Sham Ismail (2017). Magnetic Force Model Approach with Path Finding Feature for an Improved Crowd Movement Simulation. Asian Simulation Conference. 157-168.
- Muhammad Azmi Ahmed Nawawi, Fatimah Sham Ismail (2017). Simulation and Segmentation Techniques for Crop Maturity Identification of Pineapple Fruit. Asian Simulation Conference. 3-11.
- Mohd Fakhrurrazi Mohd Salleh, Mohamad Amir Shamsudin (2017). Mathematical modelling and quadratic optimal tuning based PID scheme for an inverted pendulum-cart system. Asian Simulation Conference. 191-202.
- Priscilla Sim Chee Mei, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Anita Ahmad (2017). Modelling Electrophysiological Data in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Studies Using the Evolution of 3-Dimensional Dominant Frequency Mapping. Asian Simulation Conference. 160-171.
- Abdin Yousif Elamin, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha, Norikhwan Hamzah, Anita Ahmad (2017). A Particle Swarm Optimization Based Predictive Controller for Delay Compensation in Networked Control Systems. Asian Simulation Conference. 417-431.
ISI Journal
SCOPUS Journal
Book Chapter
Non-Indexed Journal
Prof. Ts. Dr. Zaharuddin Mohamed
Division of Control and Mechatronics Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Johor Bahru
E-mail: zahar@utm.my