PVedukit, a product developed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s senior lecturers, Dr. Jasrul Jamani Jamian and Dr. Zulkarnain Ahmad Noorden, was chosen by the UTM Innovation and Commercialisation Centre (UTM ICC) to be showcased in the UTM Corporate Exhibition of Commercially Ready Product and Technology in the 59th Convocation Festival (FESKO) 2017. Visitors were able to carry out experiments related to the photovoltaic themselves during the showcase. The product showcase is in line with the FESKO’s theme, Sustainability, Arts and Technology, which supports the university’s initiative to become a sustainable public university through the promotion of local and international arts, cultures and technology.


Dr. Jasrul and Dr. Zulkarnain with the showcased product, PVedukit.


Visitors observing the product demonstration by Dr. Jasrul.


by Dr. Zulkarnain Ahmad Noorden & Dr. Jasrul Jamani Jamian, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia