Welcoming Message by IUPC2022 Chair

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the International Undergraduate Poster Competition (IUPC) 2022 here at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia on the 29th – 30th of June 2022.
With the aims of bringing closer the researchers, academics, and undergraduate students from all over the world, this competition wishes to be a platform that foster future collaboration, extend networking, as well as exchange ideas, findings and information on the improvised and/or new technology and invention in different kind of fields. This is also the best platform and avenue to expose all undergraduate students, including from first year students until the end year students, and to gain experiences during their study duration, and to share their upcoming or current final year project through the presentation of posters to the international panel of evaluators.
Several key areas will be highlighted in this poster competition including but not limited to: Information System and Network, Computational Method, Biosciences, Advanced Materials, Instrumentation and Devices, and Safety. The reality is our modern medical ecosystem is highly dependent on high-end devices and technology. Thus, we strongly believe that IUPC 2022 is the best platform to address and discuss the issues and findings that the undergraduate student can share.
Looking forward to meeting you at this poster competition!