Video Presentation Guidelines

A. Presentation Slides

  • Presenters are required to prepare their presentation slides using the PowerPoint template provided at
  • It is recommended to limit your presentation to 7-12 slides only with aspect ratio of 16:9.
  • The presentation slides should be simple, attractive and easily readable while information included must be brief and concise.
  • Presentation slides must consist of:
  • Introduction, including research questions and objectives
  • Methodology or Study Design
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion, including contribution to the field
  • References and citations
  • All information i.e. title of paper, author’s name, affiliation and photograph of presenter must appear on the first slide of your presentation.
  • Presenters should avoid the use of sound effects and excessive slide transitions.
  • Figures and tables must be clear and have high resolution. All figures must be labelled clearly.

B. Video Presentation

Presenters are required to prepare a recorded video presentation with the following requirements:

    • File format: MP4
    • File size: Less than 1 GB
    • Recording duration: Less than 10 minutes
    • Recommended video height: 1920 x 1080 pixels HD
    • Aspect ratio: 16:9
    • Presenter must be on-screen
    • All presentation must be in English
    • Background music is not allowed
    • Recording must be saved with the following file name: icbmehs24.paperID.presentername.mp4 (e.g.

    • The MP4 file of the recorded video presentation must be submitted by Thursday, 5th September 2024
    • Submission link:

C. Question & Answer Session

  • Question and answer (Q&A) session will be conducted following the playback of the recorded video presentation.
  • Presenters must be present (online) during both the presentation and the Q&A sessions.
  • It is compulsory for presenters to turn on their camera during the Q&A session.
  • Presenters should be dressed appropriately.
  • Presenters must be in their allocated parallel session (Webex platform) 5-10 minutes prior to the session.
  • Presenters should ensure that they are in the correct parallel session by referring to the virtual directory that will be provided by the secretariat before the day of the conference.
  • Each presenter is allocated a maximum of 20 minutes in total, 10 minutes for their recorded video presentation and another 10 minutes for Q&A session.
  • The session will be stopped by the session chair at 20 minutes.
  • Should any circumstances or issues arise, please do not hesitate to notify the conference committee by email to